Many readers have asked for an updated version of my overarching big picture views on Japan — why do I think Japan is “Capitalism that works”. So here the recording of a full-on presentation on this topic, delivered last week to the community of OIST, the Okinawa Institute for Science & Technology.
Teaser : Japan has got what it takes to be an economic superpower and role model. As new global realities and national rivalries force unprecedented challenges and uncertainty for global leaders, Japan’s social resilience, political stability, corporate competitiveness, technocratic pragmatism and private sector innovation potential are poised to deliver positive upside surprises and real opportunities. No one doubts the potential; but can Japan really outperform on its own merits? Learn where exactly the opportunities are; how you can engage and profit from Japan’s new structural up-cycle; why there is more to sustainable prosperity than innovation and profit; what forces could derail it; and why Japan’s demographic destiny is an overarching positive force for next-Generation leaders, citizens and the rising Asian middle class.
Click here for Video Presentation
A big thank you to the organizers and this amazing OIST community of scientists for having me.
Thank you for viewing the presentation. As always, comment welcome. Thank you & many cheers ;-j
This presentation was really well done. I learned a lot about inner workings of Japan's economy but also about Japanese mentality.
What struck me the most is how fierce competitiveness is in Japan based on Competition or Monopoly slide.