I hope they don't accept too many people, I don't want Japan to be flooded by too many outsiders, sure I want to move there but to have too many will dilute the Japanese nature of Japan. I also hope they don't get too capitalistic as too much capitalism tends to cause the country to become flooded with an ocean of outsiders who wash away the native culture.

My hope is Japan remains nationalistic, remains Japanese and retains that flavour and character.

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Nothing wrong with capitalism. Japan already is capitalist. Just agree about not having too many foreigners and hoping Japan stays Japan

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Japan's not really capitalist, they have a more nationalistic way of things. I'm not a fan of capitalism or communism as they are flip-sides of the same coin, I think the market should be bound by the borders of the nation. I know this won't make me popular but the nation should serve the people and there should be no selling of the market or company shares beyond her border, else it only leads to communism and what not.

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Very untrue. Government and nation states should not exist. These are the very things that lead to communism.

The more freedom and less gov that exists, the better. You need a proper educating it would seem.

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I didn't say I think government should not exist. I believe government needs to be dissolved, you need proper educating on reading comprehension my friend, I said that capitalism is not the answer all think it is, as citizenship, faith these concepts are secondary when everything is for sale.

Capitalism makes nation-states moot, and leads to globalism, with globalism representing a world without borders. Without borders, people are to have no tribe and must serve/slave away for more material goods. Globalism right now is the force pushing more and more people into destitution and pushing forward communism.

Not to mention Marx came up with the term Capitalism, and also with the 'ideals' of communism/fascism.

They are flip sides, they both lead to one another. Technically every country is capitalistic, I think every nation and people should have the right of self-determination and determine their own freedoms and liberties, not the corporate elites and heads of those countries which can print out enough money to buy up all their neighbours.

Just edited my bloody reply, geeze I'm tired (didn't sleep much) sorry about that 1% Mind, now it's legible hahaha.

Tldr; I hate government, am an anarchist, don't believe in capitalism, communism, corporations and am of the view that the people of a nation should reign supreme. That markets are an uncontrollable thing but should be dominated by citizens within a country.

But do feel free to disagree.

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Thank you for posting Jesper, interesting as always. Two quick questions ... 1) of the 1.6 million companies with no heir apparent, do we know roughly what portion are healthy or stable versus zombies? 2) regarding wealth transfer to the younger generation, what is your thought about the portion that is tied up in marginal real estate versus more liquid assets such as securities or death benefit annuities, etc? Just curious. Thanks as always.

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First, I hope that it would be okay to attach a question to your thread. As Jesper's take is extraordinarily optimistic, I am also curious about how Japan can improve without first dealing the pain associated with any clean up of the significant number of zombie companies.

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Hoping this trend continues in the next decade. Planning to retire here during that time!

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This is most optimistic!

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Are you not reading way too much into one year's worth of economic data?

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Let’s hope so!

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